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Our Team 

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

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Eng. Mamoun Mamnouk

General Manager


Senior Architectural Consultant - 45 years of experience in the field of architectural engineering (Design & Execution) 

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Eng. Alaa Daghestani

Interior Designer & Architect


Architect and interior designer - 6 years of experience in architectural engineering. Interior & Exterior Design

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               Aya ElSawaf

Archive Clerk & Social Media Manager


Experience in Fine Arts and artistic design for interior spaces. Expertise in managing social media accounts

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Eng. Wafa Daghestani

Architectural Consultant 


Architectural Consultant specialized in architecture and urban planning, 25 years of experience in design, interior design and landscaping

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Eng.  Hasan Mamlouk

Public Relations & Coordinator


Experience in project execution, organizational restructuring, interior and exterior decoration, and academic consultancy

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